We have created this Online Beadclub so you can be part of our community no matter where you are in the world. In the past, I used to host a BeadClub at Totallybeads HQ which was very successful and, by far, was my favourite time of the week. With the current situation in the world, we all have to take a leap of faith and change the way we operate on a daily basis. Moving the BeadClub online meant that we can carry on meeting no matter what happens around us.
I just love all the support and inspiration our members give each other.
Here are the nitty-gritty details:
We meet every week and it is up to you if you want to come to just one session or all of them. All sessions last 2 hours, and you are welcome to all of them as a part of your membership. Two of the sessions are led by a tutor and the other two are bead-a-long sessions for members to get together.
You have also become a part of our private FaceBook Group dedicated just for members and will have access to a group chat for members only if you need to ask any questions or get in contact with someone in the group.
There is a Members Area on this website which you will log into to watch tutorial replays for the classes, and to get access to project pdf's. You can also look up future classes to see what materials you will be needing for the following weeks.
In 2022 we will have the following sessions weekly:
- Monday 7-9pm UK time
- Tuesday 12-2pm UK time
- Thursday 7-9pm UK time
- Friday 12-2pm UK time
Tuesday and Thursday are the main times for tutor-led classes.
There is also a 10% discount for the bead club kits on Totallybeads website for members.
We have created this Online Beadclub so you can be part of our community no matter where you are in the world. In the past I used to host a BeadClub at Totallybeads HQ which was very successful and by far, was my favourite time of the week. With the current situation in the world we all had to take a leap of faith and change the way how we operate on a daily basis. Moving the BeadClub online meant that we can carry on meeting no matter what happens around us.
I just love all the support and inspiration our members give each other.
Here are the nitty-gritty details:
We meet every week and it is up to you if you want to come to just one session or all of them. All sessions last 2 hours, and you are welcome to all of them as a part of your mmembership. 2 of the sessions are led by a tuttor and the other 2 is a beadalong for members to get together.
You also become a part of our private FaceBook Group dedicated just for member and will have access to a groupchat for members only if you need to ask any questions or get in contact with someone in the group.
There is a Members Area on this website you will be logging in to watch the replays for the classes as well to get the pdf's and you can look up future classes to see what materials you will be needing on what week.
In 2022 we will have the following sessions weekly:
- Monday 7-9pm UK time
- Tuesday 12-2pm UK time
- Thursday 7-9pm UK time
- Friday 12-2pm UK time
Tuesday and Thursday are the main times for tutor led classes.
There is also a 10% discount for the bead club kits on Totallybeads website for members